Joshua Lenchus is an accomplished physician executive with humble beginnings. From community college to C-suite, Dr. Lenchus has always been driven to effect change. Involvement in numerous professional medical organizations has culminated in various leadership roles. His interests, skills and experience include healthcare public policy, public speaking, media commentary, medico-legal reviews/expert witness, performance of bedside invasive procedures, simulation, hospital medicine, opioids, medical education and patient safety. His background includes education, teaching, clinical, administrative and research work. Truly a well-rounded physician, in his effort to "pay it forward," he has served as mentor to scores of others across many specialties and fields of work.
“I believe that technology should mirror efficient workflow rather than adjusting workflow to integrate technology.”
1. What are some of the major challenges and trends that have been impacting the MedTech space lately?
The electronic medical record (EMR) utilization still causes a fair amount of consternation. Some still fight it altogether and long to return to the days of transcribed dictations and paper records, and some have embraced the technological advances and utilize the system as much as they can. While the vast majority have simply resigned themselves to satisfying the requirement without being shy when conveying their displeasure about the relative lack of clinical usefulness identified in notes due to note bloat, copy and paste issues, regulatory documentation requirements, and poor accuracy of voice recognition software, I do not see any of those issues abating anytime soon and, in fact, note the literature that supports EMR integration as a source of burnout.